Homeowner Guide to EV Charging for the Home
Request our in-depth 16-question FAQ and homeowners guide to EV-charging. It’s free. Email [email protected]. This guide put together with assistance from Iotecha and Oleg Logvinov
EV Charging Guide Background
Oleg with Iotecha
In March 2016 Mr. Logvinov joined IoTecha corporation as a co-founder, President, and CEO. Prior to joining IoTecha Mr. Logvinov was a Director of Special Assignments in STMicroelectronics’ Industrial & Power Conversion Division where he was deeply engaged in market and technology development activities in the area of Industrial IoT including the applications of IEEE 1901 powerline communication technology in harsh environments of industrial IoT. During the last 25 years Mr. Logvinov has held various senior technical and executive management positions in the telecommunications and semiconductor industry. After graduating from the Technical University of Ukraine (KPI) with the equivalent of a Master’s degree in electrical engineering, Mr. Logvinov began his carrier as a senior researcher at the R&D Laboratory of the Ukraine Department of Energy at the KPI.
In January 2015 Mr. Logvinov was appointed as the chair of the IEEE Internet Initiative. The IEEE Internet Initiative connects engineers, scientists, industry leaders, and others engaged in an array of technology and industry domains globally, with policy experts to help improve the understanding of technology and its implications and impact on Internet governance issues. In addition, the Initiative focuses on raising awareness of public policy issues and processes in the global technical community. He is also a past member of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Corporate Advisory Group and the IEEE-SA Standards Board. Mr. Logvinov also chairs the Industry Engagement track of the IEEE IoT Initiative and created a series of worldwide IoT Startup Competition events.
Mr. Logvinov actively participates in several IEEE standards development working groups with the focus on the IoT and Communications Technologies. Mr. Logvinov is the chair of the IEEE P2413 “Standard for an Architectural Framework for the Internet of Things Working Group. He helped found the HomePlug Powerline Alliance and is the past President and CTO of the Alliance. Mr. Logvinov has more than 45 patents to his credit and has been an invited speaker on multiple occasions.
Overall Recommendations
- Level 2 recharges most cars in a few hours and uses 240 voltage. (Level One uses 110V)
- Connector – Combined Charging System (CCS) standard (that is based on SAE J1772)
- For Level 2 be sure and ensure 40A dedicated circuit
- Permits – check with your county to see if any required
- Regulations – charger must be UL-listed (and keep it in holster please)
- Installation – have a professional electrician do the installation
The full and complete guide is available by request — send an email to [email protected]
About IoTecha
IoTecha aims to accelerate the electric vehicle revolution by providing an integrated platform called IoT.ON™ – consisting of software, hardware and Cloud components – for the smart charging infrastructure and ultimately enabling the integration of tens of millions of electric vehicles with the power grid. Iotecha provides whitelabled ev charging systems to many companies including Samsung.